Outside Dance Photography in Carlisle

Outside Dance Photography in Carlisle

Carlisle Dance Photography I've been a dance photographer in Cumbria for nearly 15 years, taking photos of outside dance photography in Carlisle, and I really enjoy seeing and photographing the skills of the graceful dancers across Carlisle, Cumbria and all along the...

Blaithwaite House Dance Photography

Blaithwaite House Dance Photography

Dance Photography with an amazing dancer I love dance photography and organised a portfolio day at the beautiful Cumbrian location of Blaithwaite House just outside Wigton, taking photos of Jordyn Louise who runs a dance studio in Carlisle. The drive out to...

Evolution Dance Photography

Evolution Dance Photography

Following on from successfully capturing Dance Factor photos I was really pleased to be asked by Wendy Boothman and Jack Dunn to take photos at the first Evolution Dance Festival. Evolution involved students from 7 Carlisle primary schools along with 130 students from...